White Papers

Browse our latest research and publications on the evolving world of healthcare informatics.

Frost & Sullivan Enabling Precision Medicine Report

Frost & Sullivan analysts follow a 10-step process to evaluate award candidates and assess their fit with select best practices criteria.

Topics include:

  • Identifying industry challenges such as addressing data silos and the need for a unified view of clinical and financial information.
  • In-depth review of key benchmarking criteria used to independently evaluate vendors for consideration of Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award.

The Value of Precision Medicine Informatics Initiatives

Adoption, Uses, Challenges, and Approaches

The first report of this series explores insights and discoveries about the emerging field of PMI and population health informatics.

Key findings include:

  • Nearly 60% of respondents indicated that their enterprise system, such as their EMR or EHR, did not meet or only partially met their needs as a precision medicine user.
  • 71% of respondents indicated the PMI value exceeded or significantly exceeded expectations or was close to their initial expectations.